Bikini Boot Camp Program

Enjoy your bikini to the max this summer at Richmond Nua, with the 3-night "Bikini Boot Camp”, featuring Hypoxi equipment, Pilates sessions, and massages & treatments. The program includes sports along with a special nutrition menu. Participants are guided by an expert dietitian and individual trainer throughout the program.
Is This Program Right for You?
If you wish to burn regional fat and become thinner, if you have cellulite problems, rather than losing weight; if you don’t have cancer, vascular occlusion, heart disease, infectious diseases or any other similar disease; if you are over 14 and under 60; if you weigh less than 115 kg; if you are not pregnant or breastfeeding; if you are not in the period of menstruation; and if you have not reached menopause very recently, this program is perfect for you.
- Hypoxi practices and Pilates sessions facilitate the removal of fat from the body by stimulating the lymphatic system.
- Accelerates metabolism.
- Tightens the body.
- Program-specific body treatments promote smooth skin.
- For regional thinning
*Contact us using the relevant form below if you are interested in this program. Our experts will get back to you as soon as possible.